Check Domain
Arabic Domains
What is Arabic domain ?
Arabic domains are the addresses of Web sites (Domain names) but written in the Arabic language. That allows users to type the domain name in Arabic on the URL (address) filed in the browser to reach the desired website.


Why do we need it ?

1- The need for Arabic domains is generated from the fact that the domain names in English create a slight barrier to a wide range of users from the full benefit of the Internet, or may prevent a group of users to benefit from the Internet completely. In Arab communities the proportion of people that are able to deal with the English language are low compared to other societies.
For example, if a user wishes to access a site, he/she must either remember the correct domain, search for the name, or guess, and in any case he/she might not know the correct English spelling of the arabic name directly. Usually, there is no single spelling for some of the words when translated from Arabic to English, (Muhammad) for example, may be written as (Mohammed) or (Mohamad) there may also be other ways for spelling it in English, while in Arabic it has only one correct spelling.

2- Arabic domain names are easier and faster to spread than English domain names for most Arabs.

3- Companies that target Arabic presence will have much better chances with search engines finding their site when the users search using Arabic keywords, where search engines give priority in the search results for domains that contain a part of the statement queried.

4- The possibility of linking your current website with the Arabic domain. In ohter words, we can make the Arabic domain point to your existing website wherever it is being hosted.

For more information and reserve your own domain name in Arabic or English, please contact us .